Internationale Jugendbibliothek- International Youth Library Foundation, Alemania
Great international news:
“We are delighted to let you know that the Ediciones Liebre book »¡Puf!« by Beatriz Giménez de Ory and Carles Ballesteros is a White Raven 2019. It has been selected for our annual catalogue of book recommendations in the field of international children’s and youth literature. This year’s »White Ravens« catalogue contains 200 titles in 37 languages from 58 countries.
The 200 short reviews are available in the »White Ravens« database on our website www.ijb.de:
Here you will find the review of »¡Puf!«: http://whiteravens.ijb.de/book/1238
“¡Puf!”, “¡Piu!” and “¡Crack!” are the titles of a non-fiction book series for very young children by new publisher Ediciones Liebre. With their small, quadratic format, made of sturdy cardboard, and featuring a simple, robust pop-up mechanism, these books are very well-suited to be manipulated repeatedly, to be opened, read, and looked at. “¡Puf!” is dedicated to the topic of “poop”. Rabbit, sheep, sloth, beetle, seagull, hippo, and whale describe the specifics of their respective excretions in an uninhibited, factual, and natural way. Sheep, we learn, pop out little cubes, while whales defecate red. And the dung beetle even feeds on the excrement of other animals. The final two pages briefly list additional information about each of the animals featured. Every animal gets two double-spreads and, charmingly, it is only after turning to the second page that we learn which animal is behind the poop just described. The cheerful, funny pictures contribute to the playful, relaxed character of this book.”
